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World Trade Association of Philadelphia, Inc.

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  • Philadelphia, PA 19106-3678

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    The Governing body consists of a Board of Directors who each hold a (2) two-year term and chair various Committees with (6) six of the Directors holding Officer positions on the Executive Board. Incoming Directors and Officers and installed at the Annual Banquet.


    Eric Holt

    Holt Logistics, Inc.

    1st Vice President,
    Linda Gillis

    R.E.D. Trucking & Logistics

    2nd Vice President,
    Brian Riley

    Geodis USA

    Dave Collins

    721 Logistics

    Christopher Dillon

    TransGlobal Foods

    Executive Administrator

    Erika R Waeckel

    WTA Committees

    Event Planning

    Christopher Dillon


    Tony Cancelliere & Linda Gillis

    Golf Outing

    Dave Collins


    Eric Holt

    Scholarship & Student Liaison

    John Fuller


    John Antonucci

    721 Logistics

    Miriam Borja-Fisher

    Western Fumigation

    Todd Brown

    Holt Logistics

    Tony Cancelliere

    Falcon Express

    Kevin Comerford

    Mr. Shrinkwrap

    Edward Fitzgerald

    Geodis USA

    Kimberly Glenn

    Savino Del Bene

    Larry Antonucci

    721 Logistics

    Ed Henderson


    John Mallough

    721 Logistics

    Clayton Manthorpe

    CMS Transportation

    Dr. Neha Mittal, Ph.D.

    Temple University

    William Parker

    Associates Warehousing

    Zach Quast

    The Manfredi Companies

    John Fuller

    Fox Rothschild, LLC Attorneys at Law

    Want More Information?

    If you would like additional information or are interested in joining a Committee please contact us at:

    World Trade Association of Philadelphia (WTA)